Our Key Discipline – The Quarterly Strategic Planning Rhythm
Much of an organization’s success using The CEO Advantage™ comes from the Quarterly Strategic Planning Rhythm. This simple discipline is the key to actually getting things done – even those things you’ve been talking about for years.

The quarterly rhythm begins with an Annual Planning Session in which the year’s initiatives and the first quarter’s priorities are set. Three additional quarterly sessions carry the team to the next annual session.

Each quarterly session should provide four distinct outcomes for the executive team:

  1. Performance Review: Based on the previous quarter’s priorities.
  2. Perspective on Annual Plan: Based on your performance relative to annual priorities.
  3. Priority Focus: Align everyone’s energy and resources around a few company priorities for the next quarter.
  4. Progress Acceleration: You will realize a quickened pace of operational results and progress toward the organization’s envisioned future.

Dwight D. Eisenhower once said, “Plans are nothing; planning is everything.” You and your executive team will benefit from doing strategic planning more frequently.

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